Adding a language to Privacy Label
Our goal is to offer the auto-translation feature to all main languages spoken in the European Union. To this end we've created an online tool that makes it easy to update or add new languages. Adding a whole new language takes about 20 to 30 minutes.
Translating to German using our translation tool
Changes in the translation on the left are immediately reflected in the label on the right. You can also click on text in the label on the right, and then the list on the left will jump to the correct position, allowing you to quickly make some changes.
Once you're happy with the translation, you can enter the password we provided to save it.
Requesting a password
To add a new translation you will need to get in touch with us. We'll provide you with a link where you can add the language, and a password you will need to enter in order to save your work.
Tell us what language you'd like to update or add: