Privacy label overview
Each privacy label has a few standard parts. You can find detailed explanations about what they mean here.
Title and description
Each label starts with a title and description about that the label is for. This is handy, because labels can be made for a wide range of things, ranging from projects and events, to software and websites, all the way up to summarising the practices of entire organisations. The title and description should inform you what the label covers.
Collection, Location, Duration, Purpose, Legal grounds, Sharing and Action
These parts all have separate pages. Look under "Label structure" in the documentation menu on this page to visit them.
Last updated
At the bottom of each label you'll find a date that shows when this particular label was generated by its owner.
Privacy label version
At the bottom of each label you'll find the software version of the privacy label itself. For example, the version "v2021-01" shows that the label is the version that we put out in januari 2021. This version should rarely change, but if it does, you'll be able to learn about these changes on this website.
Code button
At the bottom of each label you'll find a small "code" button. When you click on it, it will show a very simplified representation of the label. Having this code in the label makes it more "machine readable". This means that it's easy to import it into other pieces of software, for example if you want to continue work on the label yourself. This code follows the JSON standard, which is a popular format for data exchange.
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